Well, I am having a hard time believing this, but the school year has reached its end! I cannot believe that it has flown by for me as a parent, but as a kid, the school year just crept on by!

Bowen did very well in first grade this year. He just has this way about doing things...sort of takes school activities as his job and just does them, no complaints! He is about mid-way through the second grade reading level, and could potentially be in the 4th grade reading level by Christmas time. There isn't much he won't read. Bowen earned three different awards this school year. The first award was a character award that he earned in November 2008 for Safety. I didn't actually hear the story behind this, so not sure what it was for exactly. The second award was the Reading is the Ticket award that he received for reading a certain amount of hours (he got a free ticket to Silverwood Theme Park in Idaho). Lastly, Bowen earned a certificate of Recognition for 'Hard work in all areas'. Now, if we can keep him from getting sick and improving his attendance for next year, I'd say his second grade year will go great!
Jimmy is a spunky kid. He also earned some awards this year. On three occasions, he received "Book-It" coupons for having a high level of reading completed for 3 different months during the school year. The coupons are good for a free mini-pizza at Pizza Hut in Moses Lake. So, that's a nice treat for him! Jimmy's reading is coming along, as is his addition and number/letter writing. He's made a few friends this school year. He'd rather stay at home with mom, still, but hoping that he becomes more fond of his friends during his first grade year!
Emma is getting close to reading, and I am so pleased with how well she's writing. She loves to draw pictures and write...reminds me of how Bowen was when we first came up to Washington. She's also doing addition, so it is exciting that she understands some math concepts as well.

Andrew is just a silly boy who wants to do everything his siblings do! He likes to draw, color, and say rhyming words. He's potty trained (thank god) and soon we'll work on night time dry time... In the meantime, we're helping Emma with that. Like I say, one kid at a time (mommy needs to get some sleep, and I'm already up twice a night for other issues!)
All of the kids will be doing swimming lessons starting next week. I caved in and went ahead and enrolled Andrew in a class (parent participation, which means I'm in the water with him). Bowen, Jimmy, and Emma will be in a class together, and I'll be in the water with Andrew, all during the same time period. So, that's what is going on the next 3 weeks here.

Hopefully, despite the sun coming up at 4:30am, the kids will sleep in a little and let me get caught up on some sleep!