Saturday, June 30, 2007

Where Does the Time Go?

I can't believe that the fourth of July is just around the corner! The past few weeks have been very busy for us in the home selling/buying process. We should close both our property purchase and our CA home sale by the 12th of July. That will mark a huge hurdle for us. Shortly after that, we'll be making final decisions about the layout and look of our new home that will go on the property. It is SO exciting to know that we'll finally have the huge kitchen we've wanted, plus plenty of bedrooms for the kids and anybody who decides to visit.

Recently, we've had the excitement of eating some things from the garden (like I said before--it's not rocket science, but it's the very first garden that the kids and I have ever grown ourselves). The radishes grew pretty fast and easy, and during the past few days we've gotten enough lettuce to make a salad that the kids and I have all really enjoyed. One of the pea plants survived and it has a few pods growing on it. Several of the bean plants did well and should be ready pretty soon. The carrots are growing, but may be too close together to really get big. I guess that's what happens with the planters are all aged 5 and under!

Something very exciting that has happened here recently is the resurfacing of the main road in front of the house. It was a grand parade with a rock layer, tar sprayer and six or more bright red dump trucks. The kids were absolutely thrilled! And there was Bruce, riding on the rock layer, looking like a cowboy! The boys think Bruce has the best job on the planet!

A few times, we've gone to the local dam and the kids have had a wonderful time playing at the park there. It is such a beautiful park...the trees are gorgeous there.

1 comment:

GFMouse said...

That is so exciting about the house/property stuff.I'm so thrilled for you and the family! Sounds like this move was a great idea for the family. We still miss you here in CA.