Sunday, August 24, 2008

Quilt Show

I made it out to the quilt show in Reardan this weekend. What a pretty area! Such a nice way they display their quilts, all along the fences and on the barn and The Buggy Barn quilt shop. I'm pretty happy with the picture opportunities, too! There were some craft booths there, as well, and Virginia Cole was there with her miniature quilt art. I just love her stuff! Check her out at to see her work.

School starts in a few days, and with all the chaos of summer, I'm looking forward to settling down into the routine of the school year.
Here's a little critter that Jim found out in the garage...actually it was hiding in the cover of his motorcycle, and it made its way into the laundry room! I've never seen Jim move so fast, when he was hustling to grab a glass to trap it! I took a picture (I have never seen a black widow before), so that we could all learn what to avoid! Creepy!!!

1 comment:

GFMouse said...

really cool pictures.