Saturday, May 5, 2007

Enjoying Nature

Well, the kids sure have been enjoying their new freedom to play in the dirt! They have also reached a new level of creating dirty clothes! Besides seeing the variety of birds around here, there is also a birds nest right out the back door that has babies in it. I can hear when the mom comes to feed the babies...the babies are all chirping loudly. The mom flies away, however, anytime I try to get close enough to get a picture. You can't see the babies unless the mom is there to feed them. They stay tucked down pretty low. I haven't seen any signs of the bald eagle from the other day. I'm still hoping to get another glimpse of him.

The weather here has been very nice. Pretty cold in the mornings (around 35 degrees this morning), but warms to the low 60's around noon. We don't miss the California heat! That's for sure! Last night the kids got together with their second cousins (my aunt and cousin, plus my cousin's kids), so there were 7 kids playing last night. Pretty fun to watch them all get along so well.

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