Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spring is Here!

Here's a picture of the four kids back in March. Also, Bowen's spring school picture turned out very nice. That's a miracle, since he was throwing up the day after it was taken!

Some of the things that I've planted around the property, while small, are showing signs of survival! There are several lilac plants, forsythia, and flowering dogwood (which may or may not be alive!). There are a few baby fir trees, a few baby pine trees, a mountain ash and two different birch trees that are about 6 feet tall. I've planted about 4 different raspberries, though only one is showing signs of growth. I planted a seedless blackberry, which I hope will grow. There is also one blueberry root that I planted, but don' t know yet if it'll grow. We've scattered
lots of wild flower seeds around, as well as some giant sunflower seeds that the kids planted. I don't see much signs of growth from the seeds out may be too dry to germinate. It's hard to keep all the areas wet all the time. At least I've found some long hoses to reach the yard with, and the outdoor frost-free water line outside has a great deal of pressure.

Here's a picture of Jim with Bowen & Jimmy on the snowmobile. We did this over at my cousins' house, and I think that was before Christmas. Shoot, I can't remember anymore!

We have had some feathered visitors here. So far, we have lots of white-crowned sparrows. We have a few house finches. There are at least 3 goldfinch who come to the feeder each day. I've also seen some chickadees, crows (duh), and caught a few glimpses of the meadowlark. The meadowlark have a powerful and pretty call, so I hear them daily, but don't often get to see them. The birds can hide well among the sagebrush.

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